Have you been searching for a sign to start running? This is it!
The Covid-10 pandemic broke the rules for many of us, turning our lives upside down, taking away some opportunities, while creating others. If there’s anything we all can take from this is the importance of taking responsibility for our health and well-being. That being said, we all know now that being at the gym is not something we can all take for granted.
But for starting to run regularly — we almost have no restrictions on that, as long we have the will and ground to pound on.
So if you’re ready to take on this remarkable journey, here is how you’re going to do that!
- Consult your doctor
As in medicine, the first law of sports is “do no harm”, so that’s vital to do a check-up with your doctor before attempting any strain on the body. It’ll allow you to see if you are nourished enough if your heart and joints are in good condition, so you won’t hurt yourself while working out. If needed, you may also consult an orthopedic expert before you get going.
- Buy a good pair of running shoes and additional equipment
The most important equipment you may need. Running shoes have specific soles and shock absorbents to keep you from damaging your knees and back.
Additionally, it’s smart to buy a sports watch and heart monitor to ensure that the intensity of your activity will increase gradually and safely.
Sure, you do not necessarily need countless devices and equipment to make the most out of your training session. But being upgraded on all levels will help you feel in control, monitor your progress, and keep yourself motivated day in and day out.
- If you’re out of shape, start with power-walking
Walking is always a good wait to start your heart pumping, it is also the safest activity. Start by walking at a mild pace for at least 30 minutes 3-4 times a week, and see when it becomes effortless for you.
- Add blasts of jogging
Once you got your groove with the walking, try adding short episodes of running in your workout, starting with 30 seconds towards the end of your stroll, and while controlling the spikes of your heart rate.
- Increase speed
Once you feel that the speed you’ve gained in your bursts of running is comfortable enough, you may try to push it up. The watch will help you to check on your progress and have it down mildly, without pulling muscles or having any other unpleasant sensations due to running. The goal is to stay healthy and feel good, also while enjoying the endorphins.
- Increase time
As gradually as ever, add a little more time to each session, while being tuned to your body.
Make sure you’re just increasing the strength of your workout to your current ability, without pushing yourself over the limits. The idea is to enjoy the movement, the fresh air, and the feeling of being in the moment, in your body — not to break records.
So, we hope this was the sign you needed to start your fascinating journey with jogging and running!